No Money Down and No Pay for 90-Day Financing
Don’t let limited budgets stop you from moving more equipment. Overcome the “limited cash” objection with our NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS with NO MONEY DOWN financing special. There has never been a better time to finance than now.
12 - 60 month Financing and Leasing are available to salon owners. To submit your application, please follow steps below:
1. Process your order checkout online. 2. Choose Financing/Leasing to be your payment option (available with orders of $1,000+) 3. Submit your application. |
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Get the equipment you need TODAY, pay for it over time, and realize significant tax savings this year.
The Accelerated Depreciation Deduction Allowance permitted under IRS Section 179 is up to $500,000. This results in immediate tax savings for qualifying business entities.*
Immediate Expensing
Section 179 can help reduce your taxes because it allows immediate deduction, as an accelerated depreciation expense, up to $500,000 of the cost of qualifying equipment in the year it is acquired. For example, if your business acquired $150,000 of equipment your immediate expense deduction is $150,000. (Much higher than standard MACRS* guidelines allow for in the first year of depreciation!) Assuming an effective overall tax rate of 35% this results in an immediate tax savings of $52,500!
Equipment Cost $150,000.00
1st Year Tax Write Off
Section 179 Depreciation Expense: $150,000.00
1st Year Depreciation Expense $150,000.00

A lease is a simple and economical way to obtain the benefits of the latest inovation without assuming the up-front costs, and risks, of ownership. Simply defined, a lease is a usage agreement between an equipment owner (the lessor) and a user of that equipment (you, the lessee). The lessee pays a periodic fee, usually monthly, to the lessor for the use of the equipment. Leases most often take the form of written contracts with specific terms and conditions spelled out: length of term, amount and timing of payments, and any end-of-lease conditions or restrictions.
The lessor is usually viewed as the owner of the equipment during the lease term, but depending on the type of lease you select either you or the lessor may be able to claim the benefits of ownership for tax purposes.
Regardless of which type of lease you choose, the future expected value of the equipment (the residual value) is considered when pricing most types of leases. The residual value is the lessor's estimate today of the equipment's value when the lease term ends.
At the end of your lease term, you'll have the following alternatives (depending on the type of lease you select):
- Return the equipment, and, if you'd like, sign a new lease for the most current, updated equipment
- Exercise a purchase option and buy the equipment
- Renew or extend the lease
Questions and Answers
Q. What is a lease?
A. In simple terms, a lease is a contractual arrangement between the lessee (the customer) and the lessor (Our Financial Services). We purchase the equipment from your spa salon suppliers of choice and lease it to the lessee for a fixed, regular payment.
Q. Are there benefits to leasing other than financial?
A. Yes. Leasing can help expedite equipment replacement and modernization creating a positive impact across all aspects of a business. Additionally, most lease arrangements free business owner's from worrying about end-of-life disposition issues, including environmental considerations and destruction, and compliance with ever-changing disposition laws.
Q. Is leasing right for smaller businesses?
A. No matter the business size, companies can benefit from leasing. Leasing or financing is a perfect choice for businesses that:
- Need to update its equipment, but do not have the cash to buy it outright.
- Need to preserve cash for other business needs.
- Want one-stop financing of equipment, plus the convenience of a single monthly payment.
- Would like to refresh their equipment on a regular schedule to help prevent obsolescence and disruptions in work flow.
- Would like to write off its equipment spending every month.
Q. Do I need to submit any financial statements or other documentation along with my lease application?
A. In most cases, you don't need to submit any additional information for transactions under $75,000. For transactions greater than $75,000, Our Financial Services requires your most recent two years' financial statements (preferably audited), and an interim statement if the last annual statement is more than six months old. Some customers, especially new businesses less than two years old, may be asked for a principal's personal guarantee.
Q. Do I need to provide insurance on my leased equipment?
A. Yes, Our Financial Services leases require that customers insure equipment for its full replacement. You will need to provide Our Financial Services with proof of insurance and name Our Financial Services as "loss payee". You can easily arrange the necessary coverage through your current insurance provider. If you don't provide proof of insurance, a monthly risk fee will be assessed on your invoice.
Q. When do my lease payments start?
A. You'll receive your first invoice shortly after you receive your equipment. Typically, regular lease payments start 30 days after the lease documentation is completed. To meet the unique needs of enterprise customers, we can tailor invoice formats and payment schedules.
Q. Can I move my leased equipment?
A. In the United States, with proper notification to Our Financial Services, you may move your leased equipment to virtually any location within the country. For additional information on notification procedures, please contact our Rapid Response Center at 1-888-400-2648.
Q. Can I add to my existing lease when I need more equipment?
A. In most cases, you can add additional equipment onto your existing lease at any time during your lease term quickly and easily. We'll simply recalculate your lease payments to include the new equipment (in most instances, your lease term will remain the same, only your payment amount will change).
Q. What can be included in my lease?
A. Our Financial Services finances every product we offer. We will also include the costs of shipping, installation, taxes, services and other manufacturers' equipment in your lease.
Q. Does leasing affect my equipment warranties with the manufactures?
A. No, all the same warranties apply whether you buy or lease your equipment.
Q. Can I cancel my lease?
A. No, a lease is, by design, a non-cancelable contract. You're responsible for all payments throughout the course of the lease; however, Our Financial Services will work closely with customers to ensure their needs are met with flexible early buy-out, add-on, or new design refresh options.
Q. What happens at the end of my lease?
A. Depending on your lease terms, you may have several options available to you at the end of your lease. Options include returning your equipment and upgrading to the latest models with a new lease, extending your lease or choosing to purchase the equipment at a fair market value. A $1 end-of-lease buy-out is also available.
Q. What is the "fair market value" of my equipment going to be, and how is it calculated?
A. The fair market value is defined as the price for which the equipment could be sold or rented in a transaction between unrelated parties, so it's purely "market driven" and therefore can't be set in advance. Per IRS guidelines, if the end-of-lease purchase price were guaranteed up front, your monthly payments would not be fully tax deductible.